
Thursday, June 30, 2011

WowWe Morning After

Last night was our monthly dinner of the 69ers. It was also my first time to actually try and push WowWe.

The girls seemed very receptive, in fact, Margaret has been doing this sort of thing for years. She said she has made a lot of money doing online marketing over the years, but she wasn't doing much of anything now. I am hoping she will be my first recruit. She will certainly be a good one. Margaret is full of energy.

Also, last night I joined this free service called IBS, Instant Blog Subscribers. They say by using their services I can gain much more exposure. I want to expose WowWe to everyone I can. I really believe WowWe is a rock solid company that is here to stay. Won't it be nice when I am making $50,000 a month? You can too.

Below is a picture of the 69ers. Not all of them, but definitely the main ones. Aren't we pretty? Some of us are even available.

I have to get out of here. One of my mother's pocket chihuahuas is sick and I don't want to clean up anymore dog diahhrea.

The more I read about WowWe the more excited I become. Don't let this opportunity of a life time pass you by. Sign up soon, more and more are getting ahead of you every day. I am so glad and I thank God every day that I heard a little voice on the phone say, "Hello, my name is Emily, and I am calling about WowWe".

Send me your email and I'll send you a Vemail. Sign up for Vemail. It is free and always will be.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WowWe Wednesday

I am so excited because my monthly dinner with the "69ers" is tonight and I get to share about WowWe.  In case you are wondering about the "69ers", they are a group of girls that I graduated high school with in 1969. 

We used to joke about graduating in 69 all the time in school.  We even had T-shirts made with class of 69 on the front and back.  The class of was really small and the 69 was really large and my Dad had a fit everytime he saw it.  We wore it every Friday to school.  I have a picture somewhere with a group of our class around a paper machet tornado we made and Kathy Price and I have on our 69 shirts.

I  am not going to sit around here and blog all day.  I decided to mop the dining, kitched and living areas and work on the Elvis room.  If I think of anything to say, I will.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh Wow! WowWe can it be?

Stopped by my son's apartment today to kill a little time between appointments and logged into WowWe on his computer.  I used Google to search for the web site and my search also uncovered  a site called SCAM.COM

This guy called "Yodaattone" was writing about Scott Nelson with WowWe, calling him Scamming Scott.  I hurriedly changed the page so my son, whom I am trying to convince to become a WowWe affiliate, wouldn't see it.

As soon as I got home I started researching from this very spot http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=136643.  Well, I found way more great stuff about WowWe than bad stuff.  In fact, I stopped looking when I came across Jay Jensen at http://www.instantblogsubscribers.com/?w=ezprofit    Hopefully these links will work for you, they did when I tested them.

Now I am more excited than ever about WowWe!  I didn't realize that if you simply pay your yearly fee for the virtual office and the monthly fee to use the video conferencing, eventually, when your matrix is full, you will be making about $5,000.00 a month.  That's OK by me!  Wow, WowWe.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I, also didn't know that this matrix program was just rolled out the first week of May, 2011, just last month!
WowWe is the answer to my prayers.  You see, I need to make a lot of money so I can support all of my loved ones.  Times are very hard, especially for young people just starting out.

Monday, June 27, 2011

WowWe Day Two

I am not going to be able to say much today.  It is my mother's 80th birthday and we are giving her a big party/barbeque.  About 50 people are coming.

I was telling  my sister about video emails a while ago.  She stopped me and said that her and her geek friend were just talking the other day about what would be next for technology.  They both thought that video email and cloud technology were going to be the next to take off.  Go viral is what I should've said.

Wow, We, that was encouraging.  I need something to go viral.  If I told you everything going on in my life, you would kill me to put me out of my misery.  But I have decided not to be miserable.  It says in the Bible that God will never give us trials that we cannot tolerate.  So tolerate I will.

Maybe when we get to know each other a little better, I will tell you some of my tribulations.  Got to go make baked beans.  Send me a VeMail somebody!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What a Name, WowWe?

When I first heard a small voice on the phone say,"Hello, my name is Emily, and I am calling about WowWe."  "What?"  She said it again.  This time I still didn't understand, but I wasn't about to say "what?" again.

Emily proceeded to tell me about this business opportunity.  "How did you get my number?"  "Who are you?"  I wondered.

She proceeded to tell me about a business that I could run from my home with a small amount of cash outlay to begin with and if I put some effort into it I could make a great deal of money.  Sounded good to me.

I had been typing my fingers to the bone writing articles and putting ads on them through ClickBank all week.  Recently I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy and cannot work any type of regular job anymore.  To focus on something without falling asleep is impossible.  I am taking a new medication that is working better than any of the others I have tried, but I am still sleepy and will fall asleep if I am still trying to concentrate on something for a while.  It may take me longer than others, but I can write short stories and try to make money.

The more Emily talked, the more I thought this sounded a lot easier than what I was doing.  Have you ever tried to "spin" an article?  Don't. 

I signed up!  Emily sent me some informative emails and I began investigating this "WowWe ". 

Most of my life, in fact for the last 30 years, I have worked in an oil refinery.  My job as an operator was so interesting.  Every day I learned at least one new thing.  There was always something going on, especially in our unit.  We all worked a lot of overtime and made a lot of money.

The last two years I worked were plagued by excessive daytime sleepiness.  My symptoms became worse as time went on and after three doctors and numerous test, I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy.  Towards the end of my career, I was falling asleep talking to people about my dreams in my sleep with my eyes open.  How does that happen?  There were halucinations and so many embarrassing moments, I was almost glad when a doctor finally said that I could not do my job safely.  At the same time, I was so very sad.  My job was the only thing I had to look forward to; my homelife was horrible, but we're not going to talk about that.

After reading the Policies and Procedures for WowWe, the company seems like the kind of company I would like to work with.  I need to completely understand what "Representatives must develop or maintain service of at least one (1) Retail Customer every month" means.  How hard is that and just what exactly is a retail customer?  I am hoping it is one person that you convince to become a Premium Affiliate like yourself.

Regardless, I am going to give it my best shot.  I hope you do, too.

Since becoming a Premium Affiliate for WowWe, I have access to some marketing materials that I have included with this Blog.  Tomorrow I hope I'll have an update.